Houston, Texas
For over 20 years we have been providing wide range of medical waste disposal services. Family owned and customer driven, we are rooted in the communities we serve.
Medical Waste
Simple, uncomplicated, solutions for your medical waste, with no hidden fees, using HIPPA secure manifesting system.
Pharm Waste
You got enough to think about! We provide cost efficient “Cradle to Grave” compliance for your expired medicine and Pharmaceutical
OSHA Compliance
Training and certification you need. Easy sign up with interactive programs keeping you company and employees in compliance.
National Bio-CARE Quote Submission
Trusted, Reliable, & Professional
EPA Approved Treatment Facility & Modern Fleet
Family-Owned & in Operation since 1997
Fully Trained, Licensed, and Uniformed Drivers
Local facilities generate a significant amount of medical waste, but not everyone really understands the various types of medical waste disposal needed to keep employees and patients safe. Wherever biohazard waste disposal is an issue, everyone involved bears some responsibility for ensuring the process is carried out properly.
Understanding the Complexity of Medical Waste Disposal in Houston
Far too many people assume the only items classified as medical waste are sharps or pathological wastes. Indeed, those categories of waste must be properly disposed of, but there are other types of medical waste requiring appropriate care and disposal to protect employees and the public. Bio-CARE’s expertise helps Houston area organizations identify hazardous waste and develop biohazard waste disposal strategies.
Properly Dealing with Sharps
First, it’s vitally important to properly define sharps. Anything that can potentially pierce the skin falls into this category. Typically, people immediately think of needles, but that’s only one of the items included. Of course, scalpels used during procedures are also part of this classification, but so are things like lancets, surgical staples, and even razors. If you’ve got questions about the proper disposal of any items, it’s always a good idea to contact medical waste disposal companies in Houston for advice. https://nationalbiocare.com/contact.php
Disposing of Pathological Waste
Any fluids or other materials generated by humans fall into this category. That includes blood, tissue, and even any human body parts. In addition, some contaminated animal carcasses are also included in this classification. Medical research facilities and even veterinary clinics must follow correct protocols at all times. Houston area biohazard disposal companies are well-versed in this type of waste disposal.
Take Care When Dealing with Infectious Materials
Swabs, lab cultures, and fluids all require proper handling, and biohazard waste disposal companies in Houston encourage all organizations to train employees on the proper handling of infectious materials and red biohazard bags disposal rules. Check with a trusted provider of medical waste disposal in Houston for additional advice.
Use Proper Precautions with Radioactive Waste
While not all facilities generate radioactive waste materials, many do. Liquids from research projects or certain treatments must be properly handled and disposed of to meet current regulations. It’s important to remember that glassware or other materials coming in contact with the radioactive matter must also be properly disposed of. Your Houston medical waste disposal provider can clarify any regulations if questions arise.
Handling Pharmaceutical Waste
In many instances, organizations find themselves holding onto unused or expired drugs and vaccines. Regardless of the type of pharmaceutical wastes involved, it’s always important to ensure they’re properly handled and disposed of correctly. That’s especially true if some type of contamination is suspected. Houston area medical waste disposal experts are available to ensure all waste generated by medical facilities is properly dealt with.
Unusual Needs Also Need to Be Met
While these are the most common types of medical waste generated in the Houston region, some organizations are dealing with other unique medical waste disposal needs. If your organization is dealing with genotoxic waste or unregulated related wastes, it’s a good idea to discuss those disposal needs with Bio-CARE experts today.
Is Dealing with Medical Waste in Houston a Serious Issue?
Because biohazardous waste materials frequently contain harmful organisms, it’s always important to take the proper steps to protect workers, patients, and anyone else who could come in contact with those materials. That means facilities need to be cognizant of everyone involved in the waste disposal stream.
While the majority of medical waste isn’t generally dangerous, it’s nearly impossible to identify all truly problematic materials. That’s why proper biohazard waste disposal protocols are, at times, taken for granted and not closely monitored by facility staff members. To protect everyone, all regulations must be carefully adhered to. That’s especially true during the flu season or other periods when higher-than-normal amounts of potentially infectious materials are being generated and handled.
National Bio-CARE’s long record of providing medical waste disposal services gives them the experience needed to provide the best biohazard sharps container disposal as well as red biohazard bags disposal for Houston area facilities. When other medical waste disposal services are required, carefully monitored strategies are employed to ensure all regulations are complied with to protect everyone involved.
Exploring Treatment Strategies
Since there are multiple types of wastes needing proper disposal, biohazard waste disposal companies in Houston use a variety of techniques to deal with those materials. Area medical waste disposal companies encourage facility representatives to ask questions about the treatment methods used to deal with various types of waste.
In the past, most waste was simply incinerated. Today’s regulations require waste be dealt with using other strategies. However, pathological waste is still routinely incinerated to protect the public.
Autoclaving, microwaving, biological, and chemical treatments are now commonly employed to deal with various forms of medical wastes. Bio-CARE uses the most effective and reliable solutions for biohazard waste disposal in Houston.
Medical Organizations Are Always Encouraged to Be Proactive
Virtually all healthcare workers are exposed to hazardous waste materials as they perform their duties. That means educating those workers is a crucial step in providing protection for them and anyone else using the facility.
Healthcare workers are always encouraged to review and understand all regulations related to medical waste disposal practices. Knowing the laws and how they apply in specific circumstances is always vital for protecting workers, patients, and the public.
It’s also important to properly identify the type of waste material and correctly separate the waste materials for disposal. All regulated medical waste must go in red bags, but sharps must also be placed in puncture-proof types of containers before being placed in the red bags.
Using the correct containers for shipment is also a must to protect those handling the materials later and the environment. In addition, everything must be properly labeled to ensure there are no mistakes in handling once the containers leave the medical facilities.
Training employees on the other types of color coding is also a must. Understanding when red, yellow, and black containers are appropriate is important, as failing to do so can lead to serious consequences and risk the health of those handling the materials later in the disposal process.
When to Ask for Advice
If there are any questions related to handling medical waste materials, contact medical waste disposal companies in Houston for advice. Bio-CARE’s experts are ready to assist Houston area medical professionals needing waste disposal assistance.
We are committed to our clients and making sure they receive nothing but the best service from us. Here is what some of our clients are saying!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Here are some of the questions people frequently asked. If you have a question that isn't addressed here, please give us a call at (877) 941-5001.
What do I do with the sharps containers?
Sharps are the needles, lances, scalpels, broken glass, etc. that are contaminated with blood or bodily fluids. These need to be placed in the approved sharps container. When full, close the top and secure with locking tab. Tape close to be sure the container doesn’t open during handling and transport. Place the full sharps container in provided disposal box or tote.
Why do you cost less than the other companies?
We charge you for the services you need, not for a bunch of stuff you don’t need and will not use. Additionally, We don’t have the overhead like the big boys in the market do. We use smaller trucks, so we are more efficient getting in and out medical offices and around town. We have less corporate heads to pay, and we operate as a small, family run, and locally operated company. This all adds up to savings passed on to the customer.
Do you provide the red bags?
We provide the cardboard disposal box which comes with a leak tight, red bag for you to put your exam room / lab area waste in. For the individual waste cans in each of the procedure areas, you should order those from your medical supply company, it’s less expensive and they carry a large quantity of different sizes.
How much does your service cost?
It depends on the type, quantity, and frequency of waste to be picked up, as well as location. Some of our services cost as little as $19.00 month. Some customers have the full suite of services, twice a month pick-up, with multiple containers and pay $350 a month. Please fill out the quote request form and we will contact you about your waste disposal needs.
Click Here to get a Fast, FREE Quote!
How Soon Can You Come?
Usually within 7 days. We have regularly scheduled, dedicated routes. We can place you on the soonest available pick up in your area. We also offer emergency, off route services as well. Please contact our Route Manager for more information.
What do I put in the medical waste transport container?
You should check with your company policy and procedures and see if this is specifically outlined. A broad answer to this is:
1) take the red bag form the individual rooms and secure it closed with tape, or tie a knot, then place in the container.
2) sharps container with lid closed, and taped to prevent accidental opening, can be placed in the transport box or tote.
What do I do with the expired pharmaceuticals, or drug samples?
PLEASE protect our environment and do not flush down the drain, Do not put them in the medical waste bins. Please contact our office and we will assist you. Most expired medicines can be disposed of with minimal effort. We have a special container for pharmaceuticals. Some of the schedule/classed drugs must be handled by a DEA approved contractor. Whatever you have we have your solution!
Contact Us
(877) 941-5001
The pandemic of COVID-19 has caused a strain on the United States healthcare sector. Moreover, it has put the economy in standstill and affected nearly every business. These types of biohazards are incredibly contagious and can cause an outbreak within your facility.
National Bio-CARE provides disinfection services targeting COVID-19 for dental, medical facilities, office complexes, retail, and restaurants. Facilities which use this service can advertise their place of work has been properly disinfected with a certificate of disinfection.
Since 1997, National Bio-CARE has provided biohazard remediation services.