Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal

Pharmaceutical Management

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations establish basic hazardous waste management standards for persons who produce hazardous waste, called hazardous waste generators. These standards are found in title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) in part 262 and at 40 CFR §261.5. The generator regulations ensure that hazardous waste is appropriately identified and handled safely to protect human health and the environment, while minimizing interference with daily business operations.

Non-Compliance Consequences

Hazardous waste regulations are to protect the environment and human health from the many risks of hazardous waste. The largest consequence of not being compliant with regulations is environmental deterioration, impacting our health and well being.

Monetary fines and imprisonment are risks of being non-compliant with regulations. The EPA has the authority to assess civil penalties of up to $27,500 per day per violation, or criminal penalties of $50,000 per day and up to 5 years in jail.

Your state environmental agency has similar enforcement authority to the EPA. You should review the risks associated with non-compliance of federal and state regulations.

State Specific Regulations:

Proper Waste Segregation Guide

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(877) 941-5001

The pandemic of COVID-19 has caused a strain on the United States healthcare sector. Moreover, it has put the economy in standstill and affected nearly every business. These types of biohazards are incredibly contagious and can cause an outbreak within your facility.

National Bio-CARE provides disinfection services targeting COVID-19 for dental, medical facilities, office complexes, retail, and restaurants. Facilities which use this service can advertise their place of work has been properly disinfected with a certificate of disinfection.

Since 1997, National Bio-CARE has provided biohazard remediation services.

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